Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Than Sparrows?

Thanks to summer with Biology 110, today I learned that birds and humans are the only ones who roam this earth with 4 chambered hearts.
As I saw a bird fly across an open field today, I began to wonder if that was all the Lord had for us to share.
                 Naw, it can’t be.

Birds seem to be the last creature we compare us humans with. Although songs such as “I’m like a bird,” “I believe I can fly,” and “Freebird,” all may try to depict a close relationship between us, truly, they only dream up the fantasy-like sensation of what it may be like to have a bird’s daily life.

Come on Nelly, we aren’t like birds; we all really know where our home is.  
Come on R Kelly, we aren’t like birds; we can't really fly.
And come on Lynyrd Skynyrd, we aren’t like birds; we aren’t really free.

Or are we?

In Christ, aren’t we… free? (John 8:36)
Because of Him, won’t we one day… fly away? (1 Thessalonians 4:17)
And when we do, won’t we be… home? (Psalm 26:8)

I think, maybe, God did indeed want us to make a stronger parallel than just our 4 chambered hearts.
Come on, Cass.

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